Friday, December 9, 2011

Election Time is Upon Us-Know Your Propositions!

The Texas bureacrats are back at it again. As written by Alice in her Texas' Messes blog, elected officials have put Proposition 10 on the ballot for the upcoming election. Proposition 10 extends the length of time an elected official can retain his/her current position even while running for another electable post. This is ridiculous, and it really is insulting that this even made it to the ballot. In a nutshell, this propostion actually pays OUR elected officials to campaign for another office. Seriously?
Pandering to a new constituent? paid for.
Time to set up a campaign headquarters? paid for.
Basically ignoring the current responsibilities elected to perform?
This proposition can't be allowed to pass on principle alone as Alice states. It is finally time to tell bureacrats that enough is enough. Do the job you were elected to do. The track record established in that role should be adequate to propel you into the new position you seek.
I'm not holding my breath, though.